3 Types Hotel dnd signs You Should Know


Hotel dnd signs(Do Not Disturb) solves a simple concern that when people lived in room he don’t want be disturbed by housekeeper.

The first hotel dnd sign

this is probably the
Hotel DND

Generally speaking, hotels are different from the residences. Hotel will provide a room service everyday. Then the room service will meet a privacy problem. Hotel DND signs solves the guest privacy problem.It is interesting to note that there is no law stipulating what the hotel DND signs be designed to look like. Its trajectory is entirely natural.

Origin(door hanger)

DND signs(door hangers) are a very usual and conventional solution. It is so simple that you hardly can say it a ‘system’, But it is the origin DND solution. Or I preffer call it ‘method’. Actually today still many many hotels uses it because it is easy.

various hotel DND signs designs
Various Styles Door Hangers


This is a completely ‘electric’ solution. It makes the do not disturb and makeup room sign completely electrical, forming a kind of switch-type thing that mounts on the wall.
As a conventional thinking logic, it is welldone.
Actually you will have many many choices.They may look very much different- to fit different electric wall mount standard, or different region popular styles.

legrand hotel corridor call indicator have the electronic hotel DND signs
Legrand product-Hotel Corridor Call Indicator
wall-mounted swtich provide the DND sign for hotel
Panasonic product- Hotel DND/MUR Switch
Vingcard Allure have the DND sign on  the bottom, a strip status light
assa abloy’s doorplate product-vingcard Allure integrate a keycard feature

Actually,you have 10,000 options in the sea of DND switch/doorplate.
There are different colors, different sizes, different features, different wiring models.

If you think about both of these, you’ll find an interesting thing. 
The above two methods are two extremes.
Door hanger- Just like a pauper’s solution

Switch/Doorplate- just like a rich’s solution.

Pauper’s choice-Origin

  • No need power
  • Cheap
  • looks primitive
  • Easy damage and lost and dirty
  • call door by mouth and knocking door

Rich’s choice-Doorplate/switch

  • Need 110V or 220V AC power
  • Expensive
  • Looks deluxe, but huge amount of work
  • Not easy lost or damaged and dirty
  • call door by doorbell feature

Hotel customers are hardly make choice between them.
If they don’t willing investing a lots of money on the switch or doorplate , they have to continue use the old door hangers.
This should not happen and that is why many hotels still use door hanger-everybody knows it is old, but at least it still working.
They have no more choice.

Lock’s solution is another DND solution choice now.

As the world first integrated DND solutions hotel lock. KAHN C5 provide the 3rd choice except the above two.

Integrate on lock is become a new DND solution
  • one solution for all-doorbell+keycard+DND/MUR indicator
  • cheap(compare with Swich/doorplate)
  • not easy lost,dirty,damaged
  • smart link keycard&DND/MUR, housekeeper card will turn off DND/MUR
  • low maintaince cost
  • low install cost
  • low power cost
  • operating directly on door, not on wall

which one comfortable?

Following is a form compare the 3 main hotel DND solutions.

PowerNo power neededAC110~220VAA battery
Installno need installdrilling, wiring,No need install, integrated on lock
purchasing cost <$5.00 per door$20~100 per door$0,integrated on lock
install costNo need install$50~80 per doorinstall with lock, no extra install cost
maintenance charge<$5.00 per door$100~200 per door
operating areadoordoor and wall nearby door
when hotel power failurestill worknot work any morestill work
3 type ‘DND’ compare

Generally, lock’s solution is a economic, user-friendly, eco hotel DND solutions.
It provides another choice except the two extremes.

Elite’s choice-Lock


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